Comentario: Esta sección con algo de css aparecera en desktop pero esta hidden en mobile. En mobile aparecera la de arriba. Hay que buscar la forma de hacer un hidden para la de arriba. Posiblemente con la opcion de Velodev
Heading 2
2h Desde 8€
Sábado 9:00h Domingo 9:00h Miércoles 19:00h
Qué incluye?
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more. Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more. Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more. Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more. Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go-to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
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